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Reading Paul in the Shadow of Empire

a six-week fall zoom course
taught by

Dr. Sylvia Keesmaat

Sunday Evenings

7pm - 9pm  EST

ember 24 -October 29,  2023

View the Trailer here!

Dedication of Paul and Barnabas-Frank Wesley-large.jpg
Dedication of Paul and Barnabas by Frank Wesley

Pay what you can.

Suggested amounts:  $150 (full fee)                 
                                        $ 100(reduced fee)
                                         $ 50 (discounted fee)


It is also possible to have your course fees covered by our scholarship fund.

Some love him. Some hate him.
How have you encountered this passionate, vehement, ancient follower of Jesus?

What if we attempted to read Paul
by entering into the struggles

of those early Christian communities,

the enslaved, the poor,
who put their only hope

in a crucified Messiah?

Might transformation happen? 

Come and meet Paul

in a way you've never met him before.


Sundays, 7pm EST

Sept 24,

Oct 1, 8, 15, 22, 29


via zoom*

*each session will be recorded for those who cannot make the classes

This course  is for anyone who seeks a deeper understanding of the apostle Paul and how his writings speak to our current times .  All are welcome, regardless of denominational or religious affiliation. 


Course Format and Requirements

Each class will run on zoom for two hours with a 5 minute break half-way through. Although the bulk of the class will consist of Sylvia teaching, participants will also be able to post questions and points for discussion in the chat which Sylvia will monitor and answer. Powerpoint will be used periodically to show biblical texts and illustrations.


Each class will be recorded. Students who miss a class can request a link to watch the recording.  Registrants can also follow the entire course through the recordings. The recordings will not be posted in any other context.


There are no assignments and no required reading for this course, although suggestions for further reading will be made as the course progresses.

About Bible Remixed

Sylvia headshot birch tree (1).jpeg

Bible Remixed provides courses and workshops at the intersection of biblical faith and radical discipleship, offered in-person and over zoom by Dr. Sylvia Keesmaat and guests.


Administrative Support is provided by Brian Walsh. Technical Support is provided by Finn Keesmaat-Walsh.

For a list of course and workshop topics: click here


To reach Sylvia Keesmaat or Brian Walsh, click here.


© 2024 by Bible Remixed.

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