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Podcasts, Audio and Video
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Podcasts and Audio

Do Justice Podcast: "It All Starts in a Garden: Joining God at Work in a Creation that Groans" an interview with Sylvia Keesmaat. (2021).

Gravity Leadership Podcast:  "Resisting Empire with Sylvia Keesmaat and Brian Walsh" (2019).

The VOX Podcast with Mike Erre: "Misreading Romans with Sylvia Keesmaat and Brian Walsh" (2019).

The Bible for Normal People: "Resisting Empire in the book of Romans" (2019).

 “A Lament for the Land: Romans, Suffering and Hope” a keynote address given at the Rooted and Grounded Conference at Associated Mennonite Biblical Seminary. (2015).  

Participant in two of CBC Radio’s Ideas episodes, on the biblical idea of “The Chosen." (2013).  The Chosen Part 1     The Chosen Part 2


In Gratitude for the Gift of the Soil. A sermon on Genesis 2.4b-9, 15-17 and Luke 19.1-10, preached at Church of the Redeemer, Toronto, October 10, 2021.

What Kind of a Community are We? A sermon on 1 Samuel 18.1-33 and Psalm 130, preached at Church of the Redeemer, Toronto, August 8, 2021 via zoom.

Learning from the Creatures: For St. Francis Day. A sermon on Psalm 104.10-31 and Matthew 6.25-33, preached at Church of the Redeemer, Toronto, on October 4, 2020.

Living in Reconciliation with Creation.  A sermon on Isaiah 35.1-7; 2 Corinthians 5.17-20;  and Mark 10.35-45, preached at Church of the Redeemer, Toronto,  20 October, 2019.

Iris' Story. A sermon on Romans 16.1-16 preached at Jubilee Fellowship Christian Reformed Church on 22 September, 2019.

God's Unbelievable Promise. A sermon on Jeremiah 31.31-34; Heb  5.5-10 and John 12.20-33, preached at Church of the Redeemer , Toronto, on March 18, 2018, Lent 5.

"What's in a Worldview: From Creation Stories to Trickster Tales"
a workshop on zoom presented by Dr. Cynthia Wesley-Esquimaux, Chair on Truth and Reconciliation at Lakehead University, with Dr. Sylvia Keesmaat, Adjunct Professor, Trinity College, Toronto School of Theology, respondent.

“Outside of a Small Circle of Friends: Jesus and the Justice of God,” a presentation with Brian Walsh at The Wheaton Theology Conference on the Work of N.T. Wright (2010).  The panel discussion that followed this presentation can be found here.

About Bible Remixed

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Bible Remixed provides courses and workshops at the intersection of biblical faith and radical discipleship, offered in-person and over zoom by Dr. Sylvia Keesmaat and guests.


Administrative Support is provided by Brian Walsh. Technical Support is provided by Finn Keesmaat-Walsh.

For a list of course and workshop topics: click here


To reach Sylvia Keesmaat or Brian Walsh, click here.


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