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Links to Online Articles and Sermons
(click on titles for links)
Note that these are links to written versions of these sermons. For links to audio of (different) sermons, click on the link for"Podcasts, Audio and Video" below.
"At the Borderlands: A sermon on Jesus and the Syrophoenician Woman" preached at Wine Before Breakfast, March 8, 2022.
"Forsaken by God: Susannah's Story" a sermon preached  at St. James, Fenelon Falls on April 15, 2017.
"Resurrection and Forgiveness: A Funeral Sermon for Adam Wood" preached on February 15, 2016.
"Betrayal and Resurrection" A Sermon Preached at the Easter Vigil, March 30, 2013, at Christchurch, Coboconk.
"Why did Jesus Die?" Originally published in The Banner (2012), the official magazine of the Christian Reformed Church.
"A King Rides to His Coronation" a Palm Sunday Sermon, 2011.
"How It Will Come" a vision of the new earth coming to Hamilton, presented at the TrueCity Conference, 2014.

Advent Reflection
"Living in the Tragic Gap." An Advent reflection on Isaiah 40.1-11; Psalm 126; Romans 8.22-26, for the New Leaf Advent Reader, 2nd Monday of Advent, December 6, 2021.

Indigenous Topics
"Home is Where the Wild Rice Is" a chapter in A Sort of Homecoming: Essays Honoring the Academic and Community Work of Brian Walsh. edited by Marcia Boniferro, Amanda Jagt and Andrew Stephens-Rennie (Wipf and Stock, 2020), pp. 146-161.

The following two articles were written for The Lindsay Advocate, a local magazine published in the Kawartha Lakes:
"Before the Settlers Came: Learning the Indigenous History of the Kawartha Lakes" The Lindsay Advocate, May, 2021.
"Wild Rice and the Michi Saagiig Nishnaabeg" The Lindsay Advocate, May, 2021.

LGBTQ+ Inclusion
"Whatever happened to the Bible in the Marriage Canon Debate? A Look at The Classic Texts" (2019)
"Welcoming the Gentiles" an article first published in Living Together in the Church, edited by Chris Ambige and Greg Dunn (2004).

"Pentecost and Fire" The Banner, May 1, 2014.
"Genocide or Healing?" A reflection on the Canaanite Woman and Jesus in Matthew 15. The Banner,  January 18, 2011.
"Harry Potter and the Way of Jesus" The Banner, January 18, 2011.


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Bible Remixed provides courses and workshops at the intersection of biblical faith and radical discipleship, offered in-person and over zoom by Dr. Sylvia Keesmaat and guests.


Administrative Support is provided by Brian Walsh. Technical Support is provided by Finn Keesmaat-Walsh.

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