Gender, Sexuality,
and the Bible
Dates TBD
a fall course by
Dr. Sylvia Keesmaat
offered through
The Institute for Christian Studies
This course can be taken for credit
or for continuing education

Click here
for more information regarding payment and registration.
​(The above link will redirect you
to the
Institute for Christian Studies website.)​
The Bible has been increasingly used as a weapon in debates about sexuality and gender in the church and in popular culture.
This course will focus on the use of the Bible in one recent denominational context (the Human Sexuality Report [HSR] of the Christian Reformed Church), along with other scholarly writings from the Reformed tradition and beyond, to explore the various ways that the Bible has been interpreted with regard to questions related to sexuality and gender.
Attention to questions of hermeneutical context as well as the Ancient Near Eastern and Greco-Roman context of the biblical text will provide a lens for engaging with this topic in a way which reflects the generous, welcoming, and redemptive character of the God we find in the biblical story.
Dates TBD*
*recordings will be available
for those unable to attend all sessions.
This course is for anyone who seeks a deeper understanding of the Bible and its relation to contemporary life. All are welcome, regardless of denominational or religious affiliation. No prior knowledge of the Bible is necessary.
Course Format and Requirements
Each class will run on zoom for two hours with a 5 minute break half-way through.
The first four weeks, the bulk of the class will consist of Sylvia teaching; participants will also be able to post questions and points for discussion in the chat which Sylvia will monitor and answer. Powerpoint will be used periodically to show biblical texts and illustrations.
The second four weeks, will consist of presentations on the books in the reading list by those taking the course for credit, as well as wider class discussion. Those not taking the course for credit are welcome to attend these classes as well.
Each class will be recorded. Students who miss a class can request a link to watch the recording. Registrants can also follow the entire course through the recordings. The recordings will not be posted in any other context.